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Art & Soul Seeing in 2018

by Janet St. John

Happy Spring, Art & Soul Readers!

As trees and bushes bud, treasured irises get close to blooming, and the New Mexico winds whir and swirl, I'm getting ready to begin a new round of blog posts inspired by Kim Manley-Ort's Adventures in Seeing. It's a great book that I highly recommend if you feel like learning more contemplative habits and want to use your eyes and camera to expand your ways of seeing the world.

My new blog, Art & Soul Seeing, will begin in April. Here's how I'm going to deliver it:

1) I will work through Kim's four exercises for each of the nine contemplative habits she identified based on her mentors.

2) I will post one to two times a month (with no set schedule, to provide the chance to go with the rhythmic learning and seeing of the adventure).

3) Each monthly post will consist of one to two of my photographs based on Kim's exercises for a contemplative habit.

4) My photographs will be accompanied by reflections on what I experienced or learned (in short) from the exercises, or include creative shorts inpsired by the photographs I took.

You see, this really is an adventure! I hope you'll consider joining me in whatever way works best for you.

The first three contemplative habits in Adventures in Seeing will be covered in April, May, and June. They are based on the idea of Pause.

So, I will be back in April with my first posts on Habit #1, Open Up.

Thanks for joining me here. Be well and enjoy spring's new beginnings!


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